Our quest in developing North Point Ballito was to create a business environment where thriving comes naturally. To achieve it, we’ve developed a simple guideline architecture that ensures our investors deliver great concepts designed at a human scale.
How we assess the design of our buildings.
With a diverse range of sectors represented in North Point Ballito, and a variety of target audiences, basic functions and business obectives in play, it’s essential that the architectural guidelines are both practical and flexible to our investor’s end goals. We ensure these align through a consistent four pillar process:
Clear design direction
1: Is there is clarity in the design proposal?
Conformity to image
2: Does it fit within NPB’s design framework?
Wayfinding that works
3: Do people & vehicles know where to go?
Usage of the site
4: Does the design fulfil our size parameters?
Delivering architectural value
75% sold.
North Point Ballito has attracted a specific kind of investor: forward-thinkers who believe in the power of their big ideas. With over 75% of the sites now sold, the window of opportunity is closing.
North Point Ballito’s gatehouse embodies the business parks’ approach to architecture. Unimposing, yet technologically advanced, simple and sustainable, the structure is home to North Point Ballito’s security control centre, which provides an exceptional view of park operations 24 hours a day.